with a side step, means cross in front

        with a step in place, means close in front























        with a side step, means cross in back

        with a step in place, means close behind


















    fifth position, right foot front


















    standing, legs apart (small second position)

























       pause (keep weight on that foot)




















       space hold (keep the same spatial direction)





















       sequential movement (developpe)





















        bend 90 degrees

       ad lib (freedom in movement)

    repeat, as many times as you like

       repeat on the same side

       repeat on the opposite side




















     face the center of the circle

    face your partner

     your partner is diagonally forward of you






















     clap your hands

       palm up

       palm down

    clap your palms together (L palm up, R down)

    clap (with the person to the side of you)
































      hit the ball of the foot (at the beginning of the forward movement)

      hit the ball of the foot (at the beginning of the return to place)

      touch the whole foot

       touch the toe

      brush, through the whole foot to the toe (tendu)

      drop the heel

       support with partial weight

































     action line, for leg gesture (cancels the hold weight sign)


























    upper leg forward, lower leg back (high parallel passe)

    upper leg to the left, lower leg to the right (coupe)




























     one-eighth turn (left or right)

    quarter turn (left or right)

       one-half turn (right)

      three-quarter turn (right)

























       rise at the beginning of the turn





























      (outside staff) turn during all three steps



























      circle to the right